Darkmantle Delve: Shadows and Sparks (Ch 3)

After picking through the remnants of the burnt-out guardroom, two incidents lead to trouble for Caelum, Kara, Vulkar, and Tillo:

First, after a momentary lapse of concentration, Tillo was skewered in the chest by a poisoned spear trap that the goblins they had encountered earlier set along their escape route. Then, while Kara was still tending to Tillo—and mere moments after Caelum had cautioned the group to be more careful—Vulkar bashed open another door, behind which sat three more goblins waiting to ambush the party.

The battle was quick and brutal but thankfully ended in the adventurers' favour.

After searching the room and finding a few supplies, the party now set down the previously trapped tunnel, not yet willing to give up on their search for the ancient library rumoured to lie in the depths of the mine.

Scene Premise: The party heads down a passage, following the goblins that got away.

Chaos Factor: 5

  • Modify Scene?
    5, Yes. Altered Scene.

Altered Expectations

In Mythic, whenever you test an expected scene and roll an odd number below or equal to the Chaos Factor, you have an Altered Scene.

An Altered Scene is the next most logical setup. If the thing you expected to happen doesn't happen, what's the next simplest thing that could happen?

Here, since the scene premise is that the party follows the goblins, the next logical setup is that they can't follow the goblins for some reason. Perhaps they try to, but the goblins collapsed the passage behind them.

Caelum advances down the passage that the goblins had previously left trapped, but it's not long before their progress is halted. Rounding a bend, they find the tunnel blocked by a heap of collapsed stone and debris.

"Well... at least we know this can't be the only way further into the mines," Caelum says.

"How'd you figure?" Tillo asks.

"They wouldn't have collapsed their only means of getting out. Goblins like it underground, but they always make sure they have a way out."

"Alright," Kara says, "back we go then."

The quartet of adventurers backtrack to the massive mining chamber they had encountered before entering the guard room, arriving at the stone door across from the stairs that descend to this level.

The party first encountered this chamber in Chapter 1.

Silent Mining Chamber

  • Mining area, ore depleted, in original condition.
  • Square, 45ft. by 45ft. connected to a Rectangle, 30ft. by 45ft., and 30ft. high.
  • 4 exits aside from entrance.
    • Exit 1: Wood door, closed, ceiling, barred from this side.
    • Exit 2: Stone door, closed, opposite wall to entrance.
    • Exit 3: Iron door, closed, wall right of entrance.
    • Exit 4: Wooden door, open, opposite wall to entrance, with passage beyond it.
  • The room seems devoid of inhabitants.

"Check the door, Tillo."

  • Interact —
    🎲 Proposed action, Perception, 21.
    Tillo checks Exit 2 to see if it is locked or trapped.
    • 🤖 Emulator response, success.
      The door is locked but it does not appear to be trapped.

"Locked," Tillo mutters and starts looking for a way to open it.

  • Interact —
    🎲 Proposed action, Thieves' Tools, 18.
    Tillo attempts to unlock Exit 2.
    • 🤖 Emulator response, success.
      The door unlocks, revealing a passage beyond.

After a few moments, he finds a hidden lever which releases the lock and opens the door. A gust of cold air escapes as it swings open.

Vulkar leads the way this time. Caelum and Kara follow him and, after lighting a torch, Tillo brings up the rear.

Kitchen of the Abyss

  • Kitchen used to feed workers, contents wrecked but still present.
  • Rectangle, 30ft. by 40ft. connected to a Hexagonal, 30ft. by 40ft., and 10ft. high.
  • 2 exit aside from entrance.
    • Exit 1: Open, no door or gate, ceiling, with chamber beyond it.
    • Exit 2: Open, no door or gate, wall right of entrance, with stairs beyond it leading down.
  • Creature: Darkmantle. Condition: Healthy, Adult. Goal: Find a sanctuary. Activity: Mating.
    • Encounter Difficulty: Easy.

Since Exit 1 is open to a chamber, I'll generate that one as well.

Dining Hall

  • Current Area: Dining hall, floor partially collapsed.
  • Shape: Square, 40ft. by 40ft., and 15ft. high.
  • 3 exits aside from entrance.
    • Exit 1: Iron door, closed, opposite wall to entrance.
    • Exit 2: Iron door, closed, ceiling.
    • Exit 3: Wooden door, closed, opposite wall to entrance.
  • Creature: Rust Monster. Condition: Wounded, Adult. Goal: Slay a rival. Activity: Digging.
    • Encounter Difficulty: Easy.

Lo and behold! Another creature. Any noise in the kitchen is going to have a chance of drawing the rust monster's attention.

The party enters a kitchen large enough to feed the mine's bustling workforce. The west side is rectangular, spanning thirty by forty feet. The east side opens up into a hexagonal space of similar dimensions. There is a hole in the ceiling above the hexagonal portion and a gap in the wall on the far side reveals a staircase that descends further into the mine.

The kitchen is in disarray. The counters are wrecked. It looks as though anything made of metal has been stripped from the room and the floor is covered in a layer of fine copper-colored flakes. The remnants of a lift system sit in the middle of the room. Only the wooden beams of the contraption remain; even the nails that once held it together have corroded away.

Caelum takes in the space.

  • Does Caelum know the rust is indicative of a rust monster?
    🎲 Arcana, 19.
    (Very likely)
    ✅✅ 9, Exceptional Yes.

"Rust monster," he whispers.

The rest of the party knows exactly what he's talking about. Vulkar curses under his breath.

"And that's not all."

Out of a dark recess in the ceiling, a shadowy shape unfurls. It moves with an otherworldly grace, tentacles whirling and silhouetted against the stone as it floats through the air.

"It's about to get worse," Kara says coolly, nocking an arrow to her bow.

"What could possibly be worse than a darkmantle?" Tillo asks.

"Two darkmantles," Caelum says as spots the second monstrosity peeling away from the ceiling.

  • Roll Initiative
    🎲 Hey! Who turned out the lights?
    • Lurking Darkmantle — 14
    • Kara — 13
    • Tillo — 13
    • Silent Darkmantle — 12
    • Caelum — 11
    • Rust Monster — 10
    • Vulkar — 7

Round 1

  • Lurking Darkmantle — A: Darkness Aura.
    • Move.
    • Tillo — R: Warding Strike, Dart vs Lurking Drakmantle
      ⬇️ Disadvantage, Blinded.
      10, miss.
  • Kara — FA: Marksman's Focus.
    • A: Longbow vs Lurking Drakmantle
      ↕️ Advantage, Marksman's Focus. Disadvantage, Blinded.
      10, miss.

Before Kara can get a shot away, magical darkness starts leaking from the first creature's tentacles. It hits the party like a wave, plunging them all into a pitch-black void.

Tillo reacts instinctively, lobbing the dart he's holding, but he hears it plink off the wood on the far side of the chamber. Kara also makes an attempt and a splintering of wood confirms her failure.

  • Tillo — FA: Draw Dagger.
    • BA: Switch Fighting Style to Dual Wielding (Advanced Technique).
    • A: Dagger vs Lurking Darkmantle,
      11, hit.
      , 6
      🗡 Piercing damage.
      , DC 10
      💭 Concentration, Darkness Aura.
      12, success.

Bravery grips Tillo. He draws a dagger, slashes wildly into the inky blackness, and feels the satisfying resistance of his blade slicing through something. A chilling scream pierces the darkness.

  • Silent Darkmantle — Move.
    • Crush vs Caelum
      ⬆️ Advantage, Hidden.
      18, hit.
      , 7
      🔨 Bludgeoning damage.
      and the Darkmantle attaches to Caelum, engulfing his head.
  • Caelum — A: Rapier vs Silent Darkmantle
    ⬇️ Disadvantage, Blinded.
    18, hit.
    4 🗡 Piercing damage.
    • Move.
    • Lurking Darkmantle — R: Crush vs Caelum
      ⬆️ Advantage, Hidden.
      19, hit.
      , 4
      🔨 Bludgeoning damage.
      and the Darkmantle attaches to Caelum.
    • Move, prone.

Caelum's worst fear becomes reality as one of the darkmantles lands squarely on his head and begins to crush his skull. He tries to scream but chokes instead. Panicking, he adjusts his grip on his rapier and starts stabbing at the monster. He backs away blindly in the process, just as the other darkmantle attaches itself to him.

Out of sight, he collapses under the weight of both creatures.

  • Is the Rust Monster drawn to the confrontation? (50/50)
    52, No.
  • Rust Monster — Skip turn.
  • Vulkar – Move, stands over Caelum.
    • A: Detach Silent Darkmantle, DC 13 STR Check,
      17, success.
    • BA: Menacing Shout, DC 14 WIS Save for Silent Darkmantle,
      2, failure.
      😱 Silent Darkmantle Frightened of Vulkar
      until the start of Vulkar's next turn.

Round 2

  • Lurking Darkmantle — A: Crush vs Caelum
    ⬆️ Advantage, attached to Caelum.
    20, hit.
    , 9
    🔨 Bludgeoning damage.

Vulkar charges after the receding darkness. Finding a tentacle, he wrenches with all his might. The darkmantle on Caelum's head comes off with a squelch and a pop. Vulkar bellows at the creature as he tosses it aside. Caelum draws a deep, much-needed breath.

Unfazed by the loss of its companion, the second darkmantle tightens its grip on Caelum, undeterred in its intent to crush the life from him.

  • Kara — FA: Marksman's Focus.
    • A: Ready attack with Longbow.
  • Tillo — FA: Drop Torch, Draw Dagger.
    • Move.
    • A: Duel Wielding:
      • Dagger vs Lurking Darkmantle
        ↩️ Flanking.
        18, hit.
        , 9
        🗡 Piercing damage.
        , DC 10
        💭 Concentration, Darkness Aura.
        17, success.
      • Dagger vs Lurking Darkmantle
        ↩️ Flanking.
        11, hit.
        , 5
        🗡 Piercing damage.
        , DC 10
        💭 Concentration, Darkness Aura.
        15, success.
    • Lurking Darkmantle
      💔 Creature is in Desperation.

Kara nocks another arrow and waits for a clear shot.

Tillo drops his torch, pulls out another dagger, and dives into the fray. Finding Caelum in the darkness, he blindly stabs at the creature wrapped around his friend. When the creature screams and his friend doesn't, he knows he did the right thing.

  • Silent Darkmantle — Move,
    😱 Silent Darkmantle Frightened of Vulkar
    until the start of Vulkar's next turn.
    • A: Dash,
      😱 Silent Darkmantle Frightened of Vulkar
      until the start of Vulkar's next turn.
    • Kara — R: Longbow vs Silent Darkmantle,
      15, hit.
      , 11
      🏹 Piercing damage.

In the chaos, Kara spots the darkmantle fleeing from Vulkar's fury and puts an arrow clean through it.

  • Caelum — BA: Second Wind, 8
    ❤️ HP gained.
    • A: Rapier vs Lurking Darkmantle
      ⬇️ Disadvantage, Blinded.
      12, hit.
      , 11
      🗡 Piercing damage.
      • DC 10
        💭 Concentration, Darkness Aura.
        11, success.
      • DC 10
        💔 Desperation.
        14, success.

Caelum wastes no time. He reverses his rapier in a deft motion and drives it into the darkmantle crushing his body. The creature responds with a high-pitched squeal but stubbornly refuses to release its hold.

  • Is the Rust Monster drawn to the confrontation? (Very Likely)
    57, Yes.
  • Rust Monster — Move.
    • Fall, 10ft., 7
      🔨 Bludgeoning damage.
      , DC 6 DEX Save
      ⬆️ Advantage, Intentional Fall.
      ✅✅ 18, beats Save by more than 10, no damage.
    • Move.

Then, out of the corner of her eye, Kara sees a hulking form drop from the hole in the ceiling. The monstrosity's rust-red chitinous body is scarred and battered.

"Rust monster!" she screams as the creature locks its beady eyes on her and stalks closer.

  • Vulkar — A: Warhammer vs Lurking Darkmantle
    ⬇️ Disadvantage, Blinded.
    15, hit
    , 11
    🔨 Bludgeoning damage.
    • Lurking Darkmantle
      ⚰️ Creature is dead.

Across the room, Vulkar is engrossed in his own battle. If I can't see it, it can't see me, he thinks as he grabs a tentacle in the darkness and delivers a crushing blow with his warhammer. His plan backfires, though, as the darkmantle's demise clears the darkness, leaving him exposed.

Round 3

  • Kara — FA: Marksman's Focus.
    • A: Longbow vs Rust Monster
      ⬆️ Advantage, Marksman's Focus.
      21, hit.
      , 10
      🏹 Piercing damage.
      , Arresting Strike, DC 14 DEX Save,
      ✅✅ Natural 20.
  • Tillo — A: Vicious Mockery, 2
    🧠 Psychic damage.
    , DC 9 WIS Save for Rust Monster
    18, success, no damage.
    • Move.

Kara calms herself and sinks an arrow into the rust monster.

Tillo taunts it in an attempt to get its attention. "Over here, you savage flea!"

  • Darkmantle 2 — A: Darkness Aura.
    • Move.
  • Caelum — Move, stand.
    • A: Magic Missle vs Rust Monster:
      • First missle, 3
        💥 Force Damage.
        , Rust Monster
        💔 Creature is in Desperation.
      • Second missile, 5
        💥 Force Damage.
        , DC 10
        💔 Desperation.
        9, one failed save: half speed,
        Disadvantage on checks, loses Bonus Action.
      • Third missile, 3
        💥 Force Damage.
        , DC 10
        💔 Desperation.
        10, success.
        (❌) Still in Desperation with one failed save

Both seem to have forgotten the other darkmantle in the room, but the creature regains its composure and darkness starts to fill the chamber once more.

Even so, Caelum is more concerned about the rust monster. With a quick incantation and a deft flick of his wrist, he fires three arcane darts at the creature. The missiles slam into its chitinous hide with a cascade of radiant sparks that momentarily illuminate the gloomy chamber.

  • Rust Monster — Desperation Save,
    ❌❌ 9, two failed saves: half speed, -2 AC,
    Disadvantage on all checks, rolls, and saves,
    loses Bonus Action.
  • Does it try to flee? (Very likely)
    37, Yes.
  • Rust Monster — Move.
    • A: Dash.
  • Vulkar — Move.
    • A: Ready attack with Warhammer.

Facing this magical onslaught, the rust monster turns tail and scuttles towards the steps that lead further into the dungeon, leaving the party to face down the remaining darkmantle.

Vulkar steps forward, prepared to strike.

Round 4

  • Kara — FA: Marksman's Focus.
    • A: Longbow vs Silent Darkmantle
      ⬆️ Advantage, Marksman's Focus.
      ✅✅ Natural 20.
      , 15
      🏹 Piercing damage.
      • Arresting Strike, DC 14 DEX Save,
        12, failure.
        , 3
        🏹 Piercing damage.
      • Darkmantle has 0 movement until start of Kara's next turn, (Arresting Strike).
      • DC 10
        💭 Concentration, Darkness Aura.
        6, failure.
        , Darkness Aura dropped.
      • Silent Darkmantle
        💔 Creature is in Desperation.

Kara pulls her bowstring to its limit, focusing intently on the encroaching darkness. She tracks the movement of the creature in her mind's eye and fires. The magical shroud recedes, revealing a stunned and vulnerable darkmantle fluttering aimlessly in the air.

  • Tillo — Move.
    • A: Duel Wielding:
      • Dagger vs Silent Darkmantle,
        6, miss.
      • Dagger vs Silent Darkmantle,
        16, hit.
        , 7
        🗡 Piercing damage.
      • Sweeping Strike, DC 13 DEX Save,
        14, success.
      • DC 10
        💔 Desperation.
        15, success.
  • Silent Darkmantle — Desperation Save,
    ✅✅ Natural 20, hit die rolled (6).
    , 12
    ❤️ HP gained.
    • A: Crush vs Tillo,
      13, miss.

Tillo, seizing the moment, dashes forward and leaps into the air with blades in hand. He manages to sever one tentacle, but the monstrosity remains in the air. The darkmantle tries to latch onto him, but he anticipates the move and dances away.

  • Caelum — Move.
    • A: Lunge (Rapier) vs Silent Darkmantle,
      25, hit
      , 6
      🗡 Piercing damage.
      , DC 10
      💔 Desperation.
      12, success.
  • Rust Monster — Move.
    • A: Dash.
  • Vulkar — Move.
    • A: Warhammer vs Silent Darkmantle
      ↩️ Flanking.
      17, hit
      , 7
      🔨 Bludgeoning damage.
      , DC 10
      💔 Desperation.
      9, one failed save: half speed,
      Disadvantage on checks, loses Bonus Action.

As the rust monster vanishes into the shadows, Caelum drives his rapier through the darkmantle's body. Vulkar, not far behind, swings his warhammer and lands a glancing blow.

Round 5

  • Kara — FA: Marksman's Focus.
    • A: Longbow vs Silent Darkmantle
      ⬆️ Advantage, Marksman's Focus.
      20, hit.
      , 10
      🏹 Piercing damage.
    • Silent Darkmantle
      ⚰️ Creature is dead.
  • Encounter ends.
  • 1.5 TP Earned.

Kara grounds the darkmantle with a final shot.

Calm takes hold of the chamber.

"Everyone okay?" Caelum asks.

Kara rushes over to him. "Are you okay?" 

Tillo retrieves his torch and holds it up for Kara as she tends to Caelum's wounds. Vulkar pokes around the kitchen while she works.

  • Kara — A: Use Healer's Kit on Caelum, 7
    ❤️ Caelum spends a hit die and gains 7 HP.
  • Kara — A: Use Healer's Kit on Caelum, 5
    ❤️ Caelum spends a hit die and gains 5 HP.
  • Does Vulkar find anything valuable? (Unlikely)
    16, Yes.
  • 1.5 TP redeemed, party gains:
    • 300 XP
    • 40 GP 6 SP 4 CP
    • 1 × Common Curative Reagent (15gp)
    • 1 × Lock (10gp)
    • 1 × Boiled Leather (3gp)
    • 1 × Tanned leather (3gp)
    • 2 × Sturdy Metal Flask (1gp)
    • 1 × Cooking Supplies (1gp)
    • 1 × Rope (10 ft) (2sp)
    • 1 × Silver Scraps (1sp)
    • 1 × Length of String (5cp)

He comes back with various bits of leather, some cooking supplies, rope, string, two flasks, a lock, and more of the Lodestone Leaves. He also retrieves two of Kara's arrows and finds a pouch of coins which the rust monster had not yet sniffed out.

"We ought to take a break," Caelum says when Vulkar returns.

Vulkar nods. "I can cook up one of the darkmantles. Not great eating, but I think I can make it edible."

Tillo grimaces. "Rather in ya' belly than on ya' head."

Caelum chuckles despite himself. Kara tries not to smile but does so anyway.

"Let's back up to the guardroom," Caelum says. "We can make a fire in the small annexe. At least there we'll only have one exit to cover."

And so, the party heads back the way they came. Vulkar drags one of the darkmantles behind him.

End Scene

That was a great combat! I hope it translates in text. It was exactly the kind of tactical and interesting combat I was hoping for from this dungeon crawl.

There are no new Threads, but I will add "Monsters in the Mine" as a new Character.


  1. Sir Draven Ironcrest
  2. Orm's Crossing
  3. Darkmantle Mine
  4. Goblins (3)
  5. Monsters in the Mine


  1. Uncover the reason for the mine's closure
  2. Find the ancient library

There were some scary moments there for Caelum, so I'll call this scene out of control and lower the CF.

Chaos Factor: 4

Thank you once again for reading! I hope you've enjoyed it so far. As always, if you have any feedback, I'd love to hear it in the comments or on Reddit.

The next part of this adventure continues in A Sticky Situation. For a full list of chapters, see Darkmantle Delve.
