Darkmantle Delve: The Characters

The great thing about solo roleplay is that you can do whatever you want. I've always wanted to run a party made entirely of fighters. I'm already 14 scenes deep into playing the game as I write this and it has indeed been a lot of fun.

What has also been fascinating to see is just how varied each character is.

They have their own distinct tactics in combat, and for that, I give full credit to the wonderful Alternate Fighter created by Laser Llama. Added to that, the ability to further customize each character with exploits gives even more variety.

They also have their own personalities. When I started the game, I had nothing in mind for their personalities; these personalities emerged organically during gameplay.

There's a great scene in Inception when Cobb is explaining to Ariadne what happens when we dream:

Cobb: They say we only use a fraction of our brain's true potential. That's when we're awake. When we're asleep, our mind can do almost anything.

Ariadne: Such as?

Cobb: Well, imagine you're designing a building. You consciously create each aspect. But sometimes it feels like it's almost "creating itself", if you know what I mean.

Ariadne: Yeah, like I'm discovering it.

Cobb: Genuine inspiration, right? Now, in a dream, our mind continuously does this. We create and perceive our world simultaneously, and our mind does this so well that we don't even know it's happening. That allows us to get right in the middle of that process.

And that's exactly what discovering my characters' personalities has felt like. As I play, I'm both creating and discovering who the characters are. It's incredibly rewarding.

I'm usually a strong proponent of using the Traits, Ideals, Bonds, and Flaws described in 5e to define a character, but since this game was supposed to be a simple dungeon crawl to test the dungeon emulator I'm working on, I didn't. This game has really changed my opinion on the matter. I think in future, I'll be more likely to let character personality emerge organically, rather than trying to dictate it at the outset.

So who are these characters?

There's a lot to read in the following section. If you don't care to read the nitty gritty detail, you can collapse some of it by selecting this handy button.

Caelum Ethervine

Caelum is a feyling Arcane Knight who has, through gameplay, emerged as the party's leader.

He's a man with something to prove. While he does take the council of his party, he has on a few occasions made calls that have landed the party in trouble. Still, he is a natural tactician as his ambition and caution balance each other out.

Despite being lightly armoured and carrying a single rapier, he has no issue diving headlong into combat, which he treats more like a dance than a melee. He also has some limited magical ability which he can draw on when the situation requires.

Feylings are one of my homebrewed races. They're essentially shorter-lived elves, with slight differences in their mechanics.


  • Class: Arcane Knight Fighter, lvl 3

  • AC: 16

  • HP: 28

13 16 15 17 7 12


  • Skills:
  • Acrobatics

  • Arcana

  • History

  • Nature

  • Perception

  • Persuasion

  • Religion

  • Stealth

  • Tools:
  • Dice Set

  • Calligrapher's Supplies

  • Languages:
  • Common

  • Draconic

  • Elvish


  • Racial (Feyling)

    • Darkvision: Within 60 feet, can see in dim light as if bright light and darkness in shades of grey

    • Trance: Can't be put to sleep by magic, doesn't need to sleep, and rests via trance

    • Self-Aware: Advantage on saving throws to avoid or end the Charmed Condition

    • High Elf Lineage: Gains a cantrip

  • Class (Fighter)

    • Second Wind (lvl 1): Can use a bonus action to roll a hit die and gain HP (1 / Short Rest)

    • Classical Swordplay (lvl 1): Has +1 bonus to attack rolls & AC when wielding only a finesse weapon

  • Subclass (Arcane Knight)

    • Weapon Bond (lvl 3): Can summon bonded weapon as bonus action, use it as a spellcasting focus, and cannot be disarmed while not incapacitated

    • Spellcasting (lvl 3): Gains two cantrips and three 1st-level spells

  • Exploits (2 / Short Rest)

    • Disarm (lvl 2): On a hit, can force a creature to make STR save or it drops a held item and takes damage

    • Parry (lvl 2): When targeted by a melee attack, can use a reaction to boost AC

    • Lunge (lvl 3): Can extend melee attack range by 5 feet and do additional damage


  • Skilled (Background, Noble): Gains three skill proficiencies


  • Cantrips:
  • Fire Bolt

  • True Strike

  • Mage Hand

  • 1st-Level (3 / Long Rest):
  • Burning Hands

  • Shield

  • Magic Missile


  • Equipped:
  • Rapier

  • Studded Leather Armor

  • Signet Ring

  • Fine Clothes

  • Backpack:
  • Potion of Healing (2)

  • Calligrapher's Supplies

  • Perfume

  • Dice Set

  • Chalk

  • Coin Pouch (~120 GP)

  • Sundries (Rations, Waterskin, etc.)

Tillo Thistlenotch

Tillo is the party's rogue, or as close to one as I could make with a fighter.

In gameplay, Tillo has emerged as a chipper kender who often defers to Caelum. He fails frequently and though he gets frustrated, he never quits trying. He's often eager to take risks and sometimes acts hastily.

In combat, he switches between throwing darts and getting in close with his daggers. In theory, he can do both effectively thanks to his ability to switch his fighting style. In practice, he misses more often than not (at least up to scene 14).


  • Class: Master at Arms Fighter, lvl 3

  • AC: 15

  • HP: 25

11 16 13 9 13 9


  • Skills:
  • Acrobatics

  • Perception

  • Sleight of hand

  • Stealth

  • Tools:
  • Thieves' Tools

  • Poisoner's Kit

  • Languages:
  • Common

  • Halfling

  • Thieves' Cant


  • Racial (Kender)

    • Luck: Can reroll 1s on d20 rolls

    • Brave: Advantage on saving throws to avoid or end the Frightened Condition

    • Nimbleness: Can move through the space of any creature that is at least one size larger

    • Sharp Tongue: Can cast the Vicious Mockery cantrip

  • Class (Fighter)

    • Second Wind (lvl 1): Can use a bonus action to roll a hit die and gain HP (1 / Short Rest)

    • Dual Wielding (lvl 1): Can make a single extra attack with an off-hand weapon as part of the Attack action and add ability modifier to the damage of that attack

  • Subclass (Master at Arms)

    • Advanced Technique (lvl 3):

      • Gains additional Exploits
      • Exploit Dice size increases
      • Gains an additional Fighting Style, but can only benefit from one at a time
      • Can switch Fighting Styles with a bonus action
    • Thrown Weapon Fighting (Advanced Technique): Can draw a weapon that has the thrown property as part of the attack and gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll of that attack

  • Exploits (4 / Short Rest)

    • Feint (lvl 2): Can use a bonus action to force a creature to make a WIS save or gain advantage on attacks against it this turn

    • Parry (lvl 2): When targeted by a melee attack, can use a reaction to boost AC

    • Sweeping Strike (lvl 3): On a hit, can force a creature to make a DEX save or it falls prone and takes damage

    • Warding Strike (Master at Arms): When a creature enters melee weapon reach, can use a reaction to make an attack against it

    • Reposition (Master at Arms): Can use a bonus action to swap places with a willing creature without triggering opportunity attacks and then gain temporary HP


  • Alert (Background, Criminal): Can add Proficiency Bonus to Initiative rolls and, after the roll, can swap Initiative with one willing ally


  • Equipped:
  • Daggers (2)

  • Thieves' Tools

  • Studded Leather Armor

  • Traveller's Clothes

  • Backpack:
  • Darts (20)

  • Potion of Healing (2)

  • Poisoner's Kit

  • Tinder Box

  • Silk Rope (50ft)

  • Coin Pouch (~12 GP)

  • Sundries (Rations, Waterskin, Torches, etc.)

Kara Greylock

Kara is a human archer and the party's healer.

In gameplay, she has emerged as a calm and focused voice within the party. She also brings reason and wisdom to the conversation. She is also loyal to Caelum; something of a relationship is becoming evident, though its nature is not yet clear. Despite criticising his leadership and decision-making at points, she still sticks with him.

In combat, she hangs back, playing the patient hunter. She has turned out to be the party's most effective striker, dealing consistent damage with her bow. And, when the fight is done, she's on hand with a healer's kit to patch wounds.


  • Class: Marksman Fighter, lvl 3

  • AC: 16

  • HP: 22

13 18 10 9 18 8


  • Skills:
  • Acrobatics

  • Animal Handling

  • Medicine

  • Perception

  • Stealth

  • Survival

  • Tools:
  • Cartographer's Tools

  • Woodcarver's Tools

  • Herbalism Kit

  • Languages:
  • Common

  • Gnomish

  • Giant


  • Racial (Human)

    • Naturally Adept: Gains two Skill Proficiencies and one Tool Proficiency

    • Determined Focus: Can use a bonus action focus to gain advantage on any roll or check (2 / Long Rest)

    • Versatile: Gains a Feat

  • Class (Fighter)

    • Archery (lvl 1): Gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls with ranged weapons

    • Second Wind (lvl 1): Can use a bonus action to roll a hit die and gain HP (1 / Short Rest)

  • Subclass (Marksman)

    • Elite Training (lvl 3): Can use an Exploit Die to boost Dexterity checks or saving throws

    • Marksman's Focus (lvl 3): Can reduce speed to 0 to gain advantage on ranged attacks and reroll 1s or 2s on damage rolls

  • Exploits (2 / Short Rest)

    • Flaming Shot (lvl 2): Can set ammunition aflame for additional damage on a hit

    • First Aid (lvl 2): Can use an action to grant a creature temporary HP

    • Brace Up (lvl 3): Can use a bonus action to gain temporary HP

    • Arresting Strike (Marksman Exploits): On a hit, can force a creature to make a DEX save or its speed is reduced to 0 and it takes additional damage

    • Inquisitive Eye (Marksman Exploits): Can use an Exploit Die to boost Investigation or Insight checks


  • Healer (Versatile): Can use Healer's Kit to heal using hit dice and reroll 1s on healing rolls

  • Magic Initiate (Background, Guide): Gains two cantrips and a 1st-level spell


  • Cantrips:
  • Produce Flame

  • Mending

  • 1st-Level (1 / Long Rest):
  • Hunter's Mark


  • Equipped:
  • Longbow

  • Arrows

  • Quiver

  • Studded Leather Armor

  • Dagger

  • Traveller's Clothes

  • Backpack:
  • Potion of Healing (2)

  • Cartographer's Tools

  • Woodcarver's Tools

  • Herbalism Kit

  • Healer's Kit

  • Coin Pouch (~130 GP)

  • Sundries (Rations, Waterskin, etc.)

Vulkar Thundermaw

Vulkar is a demikin Champion Fighter who functions as the party's tank.

Vulkar has turned out to be quite selfish. He thinks and acts for himself first and the fact that he tends to be in the center of the melee is really just an outflow of his own desire for combat.

In combat, he tends to spend more time soaking up blows than doing any real damage (at least up to scene 14), but he does land the occasional blow and when he does, it hits hard.

Demikin are another of my homebrewed races; a tall and strong warrior people inspired by goliaths and orcs.


  • Class: Champion Fighter, lvl 3

  • AC: 19

  • HP: 28

18 7 14 5 13 13


  • Skills:
  • Athletics

  • Intimidation

  • Stealth

  • Survival

  • Tools:
  • Dice Set

  • Cook's Utensils

  • Languages:
  • Common

  • Orcish

  • Goblin


  • Racial (Demikin)

    • Darkvision: Within 60 feet, can see in dim light as if bright light and darkness in shades of grey

    • Powerful Build: Counts as one size larger for carrying capacity

    • Adrenalin Rush: Can take Dash as a bonus action and gain temporary HP (2 / Long Rest)

    • Relentless Endurance: When reduced to 0 HP but not killed outright, can drop to 1 HP instead (1 / Long Rest)

  • Class (Fighter)

    • Second Wind (lvl 1): Can use a bonus action to roll a hit die and gain HP (1 / Short Rest)

    • Protector (lvl 1): When attacked, can use a reaction to add proficiency bonus to AC, can do the same for an ally within 5 ft

  • Subclass (Champion)

    • Mighty Warrior (lvl 3): Weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19-20

    • Remarkable Strength (lvl 3): Gains a bonus to Strength or Constitution checks and saving throws equal to Exploit Die

  • Exploits (2 / Short Rest)

    • Menacing Shout (lvl 2): Can use a bonus action to force a creature to make a WIS or be frightened

    • Counter (lvl 2): When a creature misses an attack, can use a reaction to make an attack

    • Brace Up (lvl 3): Can use a bonus action to gain temporary HP

    • Feat Of Strength (Champion Exploits): Can use an Exploit Die to boost Strength or Constitution checks

    • Ruthless Strike (Champion Exploits): Can add Exploit Dice to the damage roll of an attack


  • Savage Attacker (Background, Solider): Can roll damage dice twice and use either result (1 / Turn).


  • Equipped:
  • Warhammer

  • Splint Armor

  • Shield

  • Traveller's Clothes

  • Backpack:
  • Potion of Healing (2)

  • Javelins (4)

  • Cook's Utensiles

  • Dice Set

  • Fishing Tackle

  • Coin Pouch (~35 GP)

  • Sundries (Rations, Waterskin, etc.)

Thank you for reading! The first scene is up, I hope you enjoy it!

You can also find a full list of all the chapters here.

*I've assumed the reader has some familiarity with D&D 5e and have condensed all the feat and ability descriptions for ease of reading, otherwise, this post would be four times longer.

I didn't keep records of their original gear, I only tracked what they currently have, but the named items listed were all there at the beginning.

As I'm using Variant Encumbrance, Vulkar's carry capacity has proved incredibly valuable. He carries much of the party's gear.
